Solutions by Role

No matter where you are in your profession – ERP Risk Advisors has you covered. Combined, our expertise covers decades of audit, implementation and security experiences from organizations around the world. Helping you make value-add decisions to enable you and your teams to continue to make revolutionary strides within the fraud, data security, compliance, cybersecurity and operations industries is our goal.

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CFOs and CAOs typically have several concerns when it comes to implementing and maintaining ERP/HCM systems

Concerns typically are focused on:

  • Audit Readiness: Preparing for your financial statement and ICFR audits, internal audits, and other regulatory audits
  • Regulatory Compliance: Meeting industry and government regulations, such as SOX, GDPR, or HIPAA in your ERP system.
  • Cyber Security: Supporting your CISO and CIO to address external and internal threats
  • Data Security: Ensuring sensitive financial, employee, supplier, and other types data are protected against breaches.
  • Operational Controls: Implementing and monitoring other controls that are critical to your organization

ERP Risk Advisors can support CFOs (Chief Financial Officers) and CAOs (Chief Accounting Officers) in addressing/advising around security and controls within the following primary issues during ERP/HCM system implementations and steady state: 

Financial Oversight

Managing budget constraints effectively and ensuring projects deliver within set financial parameters.

Risk Management

Identifying potential financial, operational, and compliance risks associated with ERP/HCM implementation and suggesting mitigation strategies.

Compliance and Control

Insuring that the new systems comply with relevant regulations and that internal controls are robust enough to pass audits.

Process Optimization

Streamlining financial and accounting processes through the ERP system to enhance efficiency and reduce costs.

Change Management

Assisting with the organizational change that accompanies new system implementation, including retraining and change in process adoption.

Data Migration and Integrity

Overseeing the transfer of financial data to the new system, ensuring data integrity and accuracy.


Facilitating the integration of the ERP/HCM system with existing financial systems to ensure cohesive operation and reporting.

Reporting and Analytics

Leveraging ERP/HCM tools to provide CFOs and CAOs with better financial reporting and analytics for strategic decision-making.

System Performance

Monitoring system performance to ensure it meets the organization’s financial reporting and operational needs.

Scalability and Future Proofing

Ensuring that the system is scalable for future growth and can adapt to changing financial strategies and market conditions.

Understanding these concerns and having a trusted partner to help advise is crucial for CFOs and CAOs, ensuring a successful ERP/HCM system implementation and maintaining the controls you need as the system evolves.

Navigating risks related to compliance, cyber security, fraud, data security, and operational risks can be complex, but with ERP Risk Advisors, you can rest assured that your ERP/HCM system’s controls for are in expert hands.

With over two decades at the forefront of Sarbanes-Oxley risk management and the distinction of having trained the PCAOB, we bring unparalleled expertise to ensure your systems are audit-ready and your operations are secure. Put your trust in us; we’re committed to turning your concerns into confidence.

Additional Resources

Top 3 Tips for Resovolutions: Setting the Right Obje...

In the following article, I make the case for why these top 3 tips are cru...

Current Issues We Are Seeing in the External Audit C...

Join us for this on-demand training centered around pressing issues in the...

Systemic Issues in ERP Software, System Integrators,...

In this course, we present systemic issues within the ERP Software, System...

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CIOs and CISOs have particular concerns when it comes to the implementation and maintaining of ERP/HCM systems. 

These are the broadly summarized main categories: 

  • Cyber Security: Guarding your ERP systems from external and internal threats
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: Developing and implementing plans that ensure the ERP/HCM system can quickly recover from outages or disasters, minimizing downtime.
  • Data Security: Ensuring sensitive financial, employee, supplier, and other types data are protected against breaches.
  • Operational Controls: Implementing and monitoring other controls that are critical to your organization
  • Audit Readiness: Preparing for your financial statement and ICFR audits, internal audits, and other regulatory audits
  • Regulatory Compliance: Meeting industry and government regulatory requirements
  • System Management and Integration: Seamlessly integrating with existing infrastructure, managing costs, supporting business continuity and disaster recovery, and ensuring scalability for future growth.
  • Operational Effectiveness and Strategic Planning: Addressing change management effectively, avoiding vendor lock-in, and safeguarding against emerging cybersecurity threats with a forward-looking strategy.

ERP Risk Advisors can support CIO’s (Chief Information Officers) and CISO’s (Chief Information Security Officers) in addressing/advising around security and controls within the following primary issues during ERP/HCM system implementations and steady state:

Cybersecurity Threats

Protecting against emerging cybersecurity threats and ensuring the system is equipped with modern security features to detect and respond to incidents.

Data Security

Ensuring that sensitive corporate data, especially PII/PHI and financial information, is protected against breaches and leaks.

System Integration

Seamlessly integrating the new ERP/HCM system with the existing IT infrastructure without causing disruptions to other systems and operations.


Meeting industry-specific regulations and standards for data privacy, security, and management (like GDPR, HIPAA, or SOX).

Access Controls

Establishing robust access control mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access and ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive functions.

Change Management

Managing the transition process effectively, including training employees and revising business processes to adapt to the new system.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Developing and implementing plans that ensure the ERP/HCM system can quickly recover from outages or disasters, minimizing downtime.

Scalability and Flexibility

Choosing systems that can grow with the business and adapt to future changes in the business model or strategy.

Cost Control

Monitoring the implementation costs and ongoing operational expenses to ensure they stay within the allocated budget.

By addressing these concerns and having a trusted advisor to help, CIOs and CISOs aim to ensure that the ERP/HCM system implementation are secure, efficient, and provides a strong foundation for the company's digital transformation initiatives. 

We’ve engineered cutting-edge solutions tailored to navigate the intricacies of IT General Controls, Cybersecurity, Access Controls, and Application Controls empowering your IT teams to meet today’s challenges confidently. With over twenty years leading Sarbanes-Oxley risk management and the honor of, at times educating PCAOB members, our depth of expertise is your strategic advantage.

In the modern landscape of SaaS ERP/HCM systems, where data security and regulatory compliance present complex challenges, ERP Risk Advisors stands as your guide and trusted partner.

Additional Resources

Top 3 Tips for Resovolutions: Setting the Right Obje...

In the following article, I make the case for why these top 3 tips are cru...

ERP Cloud: 5 Things to Discuss with Your System Inte...

Why Access Controls Must Be Tested for All In-Scope ...

Access controls are widely tested by auditors during their audit. However,...

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CAEs and auditors may have specific concerns regarding the implementation and maintaining ERP & HCM systems. 

Often these concerns focus on:  

  • Cybersecurity Threats: Protecting against emerging cybersecurity threats and ensuring the system is equipped with modern security features to detect and respond to incidents.
  • Compliance and Control Integrity: Ensuring robust internal controls are in place for compliance with regulations and maintaining data integrity throughout the system.
  • Operational Assurance: Enforcing proper segregation of duties, managing change effectively, and ensuring all changes are well-documented and approved to prevent risks.
  • Security and Auditability: Implementing stringent user access controls and maintaining comprehensive audit trails.

ERP Risk Advisors can support CAE’s (Chief Audit Executives) & Auditors in addressing and/or advising on these concerns for ERP/HCM system implementations and steady state: 

Cybersecurity Threats

Protecting against emerging cybersecurity threats and ensuring the system is equipped with modern security features to detect and respond to incidents.

Internal Controls and Compliance

Ensuring that the system supports strong internal controls and that these controls are designed to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Data Integrity and Accuracy

The ability of the system to maintain accurate and consistent data throughout its lifecycle, with particular attention to data migration processes during system changeovers.

Segregation of Duties (SoD) and Sensitive Access (SA)

The system’s capability to enforce appropriate SoD to prevent fraud and errors, which is a critical component of internal control frameworks. In addition, the limiting of critical high-risk access to only a few team members that need the access to perform their job functions.

Change Management

Proper documentation and approval processes for changes within the ERP/HCM system, including updates and modifications, to ensure that they do not introduce new risks or control issues.

Audit Logging

The system must have robust audit logs for critical processes and transactions to allow for effective monitoring and retrospective auditing.

User Access and Security

Controls around user access to ensure that individuals can only access information relevant to their role, and sensitive information is adequately protected.

By addressing these areas, and having a trusted advisor to help, auditors and CAEs can be assured their ERP/HCM system is secure, compliant, and capable of supporting the organization’s business processes effectively. 

At ERP Risk Advisors, we recognize that while functionality often headlines the implementation of SaaS ERP/HCM systems, a robust foundation of security and controls is crucial to protect your enterprise.

We specialize in achieving this equilibrium, fortifying your systems with high-risk strategic controls and comprehensive security measures, ensuring your organization’s resilience in the face of evolving threats.

We’ve engineered cutting-edge solutions tailored to navigate the intricacies of Compliance, Access Controls, Segregation of Duties, IT General Controls, Cybersecurity, and Security, empowering your teams to meet today’s challenges confidently. With over twenty years leading Sarbanes-Oxley risk management and the honor of educating PCAOB members, at times, our depth of expertise is your strategic advantage.

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Performing Integrated Audits - 3 CPEs

Audit departments often try to implement an integrated audit strategy that...

Utilizing World-Class IT Security & Control Resources

Auditors in today’s complex organizations must understand informatio...

Software, System Integrators, and Audit Industries

In this course, we present systemic issues within the ERP Software, System...

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Information Technology (IT) management typically harbors specific concerns during the implementation and steady-state phases of ERP & HCM systems. 

These concerns often are focusing on:

Implementation Phase: 

1. System Integration: Ensuring the new ERP/HCM integrates smoothly with existing IT infrastructure.

2. Cybersecurity Threats: Ensuring the system is protected from cybersecurity threats and equipped with modern security features to detect and respond to incidents.

3. Data Migration: Safely and accurately transferring data from legacy systems.

4. Customization vs. Standardization: Balancing the need for custom features with the system’s standard functionalities.

5. User Training and Support: Providing comprehensive training to ensure user proficiency and adequate support structures.

6. Project Management: Adhering to timelines, budget constraints, and project scope.

7. Vendor Reliability: Ensuring the selected vendor can deliver on promised features and support.

Steady State Phase:

Maintenance and Support

Managing ongoing system maintenance and user support effectively

Updates and Upgrades

Safely applying updates from vendors withoutdisrupting business processes.

Cybersecurity Threats

Ensuring that monitoring controls remain effective to detect and respond to incidents and the administrative privileges are secured.

Performance Monitoring

Continuously monitoring system performance and user satisfaction.

Security Posture

Ensuring constant vigilance against new security threats and maintaining robust access controls.

Compliance Management

Keeping abreast of changing regulations and ensuring the system complies with all relevant laws and standards.

Cost Management

Monitoring operational costs associated with the ERP/HCM system, ensuring they remain within budget.

Both phases require IT Management to stay attentive and proactive to ensure the ERP/HCM system serves the organization’s needs effectively and securely over time.

ERP Risk Advisors partners with both IT and Finance departments to ensure ERP/HCM systems are impeccably designed, configured, and maintained for the long haul. Our development of ERP Armor and its subscription service is a testament to our commitment to system integrity and longevity.

With a keen focus on sustainability, we help provide your team with advice and support covering everything from solution administration, integration, and system updates, to change management and ongoing enhancements.

Additional Resources

Top 3 Tips for Resovolutions: Setting the Right Obje...

In the following article, I make the case for why these top 3 tips are cru...

ERP Cloud: 5 Things to Discuss with Your System Inte...

ERP Access Controls and Risk Advisory Services – a C...

To Application Access Controls form the foundation of your control environ...

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Project PMOs overseeing ERP & HCM system implementations typically have specific concerns surrounding successful delivery of the project’s scope being on time, on budget, and with the intended functionality.

Here is a summary of typical concerns during the implementation and steady-state phases:

Implementation Phase:

1. Project Planning and Execution: Ensuring comprehensive project plans are in place and followed, with clear milestones and deliverables.
2. Cybersecurity Threats: Protecting against emerging cybersecurity threats and ensuring the system is equipped with modern security features to detect and respond to incidents.
3. Resource Allocation: Managing the allocation of resources, including personnel and budget, to meet project demands efficiently.

4. Stakeholder Engagement: Keeping all stakeholders informed and involved, managing expectations, and fostering collaboration across departments.
5. Risk Management: Identifying potential risks to the project timeline or success and developing mitigation strategies.
6. Vendor Management: Overseeing the work of vendors to ensure they meet their contractual obligations for services and support.
7. Quality Assurance: Ensuring that all aspects of the ERP/HCM implementation meet the required quality standards and functional requirements.

Steady State Phase:


Providing ongoing governance to ensure that the system operates within the defined guidelines and business objectives.

Cybersecurity Threats

Ensuring that monitoring controls remain effective to detect and respond to incidents and the administrative privileges are secured.

Continuous Improvement

Implementing a framework for continuous improvement to optimize system processes and functionalities.

Performance Measurement

Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure system performance against business objectives.

Benefits Realization

Monitoring the realization of projected benefits from the ERP/HCM system and making adjustments as necessary to achieve these benefits.

Change Control

Managing the change control process to ensure that system updates and modifications do not disrupt business operations.

Training and Knowledge Transfer

Facilitating ongoing training and knowledge transfer to ensure that users can effectively utilize the system and adapt to new features or changes.

For PMOs (Project Management Offices), these concerns are critical to ensure the ERP/HCM system’s long-term value and alignment with organizational goals. 

Whether you’re selecting a system implementor, choosing the best ERP/HCM system, or navigating the complexities of implementation, our strategic insight helps you avoid common pitfalls and major audit findings. Engage with us early to fortify your project’s foundation—because the sooner you address these critical questions, the stronger your position will be post-go-live.

From initial project planning to testing, go-live, hyper-care, and the transition to steady state, our expertise ensures your project remains agile and informed by the latest software developments.

Additional Resources

Why Risk Management is key for Oracle ERP Cloud Success

“Go live” is a crucial step in any digital transformation proj...

ERP Access Controls and Risk Advisory Services – a C...

To Application Access Controls form the foundation of your control environ...

Top 3 Tips for Resovolutions: Setting the Right Obje...

In the following article, I make the case for why these top 3 tips are cru...

Connect with us about how we can help you within your role.

Our cutting-edge risk content and related services provides a complete solution to addressing your customers security and controls-related requirements.

Be more competitive, have a higher win rate, create more margin, and most importantly, have more satisfied clients when partnering with ERP Risk Advisors before, during or post go-live of the initial implementation.


System Integrator

We assist you with security and controls which includes custom role design to reduce risk, meet compliance requirements, minimize cyber threats, and theft of sensitive data. Additionally, we collaborate to help clients enable logging and identifying seeded reports – both of which are necessary to monitor controls related to compliance (Sarbanes-Oxley, etc.), cyber security, fraud, data protection, and operational risks.

From initial project planning to testing, go-live, hyper-care, and the transition to steady state, our expertise ensures your implementation remains secure and compliant at any stage.


Simply – we help you serve your customers more effectively and more efficiently. Our cutting-edge risk content and related services can provide you with a complete solution to address your customer’s security and controls-related requirements.

  • For Recurring Revenue – 25% (Rules)
  • For One-Time Revenue – 20% (Roles, Training)

As often as the ERP software provide patches (release) their applications. Typically, this is quarterly (ERP Cloud as an example) or semi-annually (Workday and NetSuite as examples).

Our risk content consists of Rules, Roles, Audit Policies / Logs, and Licensing. Like a software company, we maintain our content in releases – constantly monitoring changes in the ERP software to identify changes that management and auditors need to consider in the implementation and monitoring of internal controls.

We cover risks related to Compliance (Sarbanes-Oxley, J-Sox, UK-Sox, etc.), Cyber Security, Fraud, Data Security, and Operations.

Additional Resources

Why Risk Management is key for Oracle ERP Cloud Success

“Go live” is a crucial step in any digital transformation proj...

ERP Access Controls and Risk Advisory Services – a C...

To Application Access Controls form the foundation of your control environ...

Top 3 Tips for Resovolutions: Setting the Right Obje...

In the following article, I make the case for why these top 3 tips are cru...

Connect with us about how we can help you within your role.

Great software without great risk content is like peanut butter without jelly. ERP Risk Advisors helps you to focus on the development and maintenance of your world class software while ensuring our joint customers are happy.

Whether it be with our top-notch implementation services and risk content, or the co-developed training, our partners close more deals, earn additional recurring revenue, and increase their client retention.

Software Partners

We make the entire C-Suite happy by addressing their risks related to Compliance, Cyber-Security, Fraud, Data Security, and Operations too.

We go well beyond the Segregation of Duties basics to ensure roles are properly designed based on the principle of least privilege, service accounts that are properly secured, and unauthorized access to mega privileges such as APIs and Web Services is non-existent.

When partnering together, we can develop on-demand training classes teaching our joint customers how to administer your software while using our risk content – ERP Armor: Rules. Not only that, but our training also teaches them how to leverage your software to test access controls for as many as 10 different scenarios. Additionally, we have a program to take over the administration of your ‘assessment’ customers who leverage your software for their audit clients and internal organizations.

This combination has led to higher retention rates and satisfaction not only for clients but also within our partnerships.


Simply – we help you serve your customers more effectively and more efficiently. Our cutting-edge risk content and related services can provide you with a complete solution to address your customer’s security and controls-related requirements.

  • For Recurring Revenue – 25% (Rules)
  • For One-Time Revenue – 20% (Roles, Training)

As often as the ERP software provide patches (release) their applications. Typically, this is quarterly (ERP Cloud as an example) or semi-annually (Workday and NetSuite as examples).

Our risk content consists of Rules, Roles, Audit Policies / Logs, and Licensing. Like a software company, we maintain our content in releases – constantly monitoring changes in the ERP software to identify changes that management and auditors need to consider in the implementation and monitoring of internal controls.

We cover risks related to Compliance (Sarbanes-Oxley, J-Sox, UK-Sox, etc.), Cyber Security, Fraud, Data Security, and Operations

Additional Resources

ERP Access Controls and Risk Advisory Services – a C...

To Application Access Controls form the foundation of your control environ...

Top 3 Tips for Resovolutions: Setting the Right Obje...

In the following article, I make the case for why these top 3 tips are cru...

Cyber Risks Getting More Attention from Organization...

Organizations using SaaS Applications are encountering an increase in frau...

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