EBS System Administrator View-Only Creation

EBS System Administrator View-Only Creation

in Oracle E-Business Suite by Jeff Hare

I’ll keep my message short and simple: below is everything you need to know about EBS System Administrator view-only creation. For assistance or clarification, please reach out to me.

Step 1: Create the Following View-Only Functions

Start with the following view-only functions:

Functions Chart

***Change ABC_ to the proper naming convention for your organization.

Each function should have their parameters set to QUETY_ONLY=”YES” as follows:



Step 2: EBS System Administrator Define Menus

Next, define the following menus – again substitute the ABC_ for whatever is your organization’s naming convention for menus.

EBS System Administrator Define Menus 1.0

EBS System Administrator Define Menus 2.0

EBS System Administrator Define Menus 3.0

EBS System Administrator Define Menus 4.0

EBS System Administrator Define Menus 5.0

***In lieu of Seq 50 using the Standard Report Submission submenu, use the function “Requests: Submit”.

Step 3: EBS System Administrator Define Request Group

Next, create the Follow Request Group…

…For the following reports:

  • Active Responsibilities
  • Active Responsibilities and Users
  • Active Users
  • User Profile Option Values
  • Function Security Function Report (other FS reports don’t include exclusions at the responsibility level)
  • Users of a Responsibility
  • Cross-Validation Rule Violation Report
  • Cross-Validation Rules Listing
  • Signon Audit Concurrent Requests
  • Signon Audit Responsibilities
  • Signon Audit Unsuccessful Logins
  • Signon Audit Users
  • Signon Audit Forms
  • Report Group Responsibilities
  • Reports and Sets by Responsibility
  • Concurrent Program Details Report

…As follows:

Define Requests


Step 4: EBS System Administrator Define Responsibility

Finally, create the following responsibility:

Define Responsibility

NOTE: each of the functions should be tested individually to make sure they have compiled correctly and are truly view-only before granting to any users.


Version Control

Version Control


Contact Us

I hope you will use this information to secure your EBS system starting today! I am always glad to offer my insight, support, and services. For assistance or clarification on EBS system administrator view-only creation, please reach out to me.

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